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Krank Events Issaquah Weeknight Adventure Race-Last Training Race!

Dusty Caseria

This last Tuesday we participated in the last of the Krank Events Weeknight Races. It was also our last race together as a team before heading to Nationals the first weekend in October. This was a fun race for us, though it is a different pace than most of the races we have done so far.

The weeknight races are usually 2.5 to 3hrs long and more of a sprint when compared to the longer 12hr and 24hr races that we have done. Because they are on a weeknight, they start in the evening and it’s usually dark the whole time, an added bonus! They are similar to the longer races in that there are several required checkpoints for each activity an pro-check points as well that you can tag for time bonuses along the way. The big difference is that you have significantly less time to plan your route before the race on map and less time to actually get all of the checkpoints in time which is what makes it a “sprint” compared to the longer races. Another difference is that, you are around other teams pretty much the entire time which makes it feel more like most races.

We were able to get all of the checkpoints including all but one of the pro checkpoints and made it to the finish with just over 1 minute to spare before the cut-off time. Several of the teams came in at the same time which made for an exciting finish as we reached one of the last checkpoints neck and neck with other racers, jumped on our bikes and hightailed it to the finish. We ended up placing 2nd in the race. Check out the results here.

A great race overall and we are thankful for another chance to practice as the Quest Adventure Race Team! Thank you Tim, Cory & Krank Events for putting on some great races! We are looking forward to the races starting again next April!

-The Quest Adventure Race Team

Brent, Dusty & Emily

You can check out photos from the race on the Krank Events Facebook Page!

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